X ray repairs
Dental Handyman, llc Orlando, and Central Florida X ray repair services.
Are you looking for a new or used x ray unit because one of the big monopoly companies technician has come to your dentist office and told you your x ray head is capoot, finished, dead in the water? We are here in the central Florida area to tell you there may be a repair solution for you. We have contacts with companies that can repair most brand name X-ray units. In general you may be able to be back up and running within 10 days with a rebuilt x ray head. We also are able to take a closer look at your entire unit in case a simple fix may be overlooked. When money is an issue, and you have been very happy with your current x ray prior to its current status rebuilding your x ray head may be a great solution for your dentist office.
We also have access to used x ray units from many different suppliers in and outside Orlando, Central Florida. We only make a deal when it is a win win for you, and us. We are not going to push you into something you do not need or want. Our goal is to provide a fiscally relevant solution to your office repair issues. Call us now at 608-358-6554 (located in Winter Garden, FL).
We offer repair solutions for Belmont, Sirona, Corex, Gendex, Carestream, progeny, elity70, and more...
CHEAP NEW X RAY UNITS Orlando Central Florida installation
Looking for a new Xray unit? We can also help you with a new x ray unit. We have teamed up with elity70. Elity70 offers probably the lowest cost brand new X ray unit in the USA. Made in Columbia, FDA approved with a wireless remote activation switch, and many other functions. At only $1850.00 click here to learn more about this cheap inexpensive wall mount x ray unit. For the right office, and situation you will save a bundle. Did I mention a 2 year warranty?
Looking for X-ray sensors and repairs? click here.
Looking for a cheap brand new wall mount xray unit? Click here