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This page provides you the source for New RAMVAC Bulldog, and Bison filters
Ramvac filters Bison 3 5 7 & 9 Filter KIT VPK117 003750 , and Filter Kit VPK113 for Dental-Ez Bulldog 550 QT1 QT2 QT3 (OEM 003740). We not only provide service and sales for dental equipment, we also search for opportunities to lower your cost of common use items in your office. Vacuum systems are one half of the heart of your business and require periodic care. Therefore we have located sources to supply your filter needs for Ramvac Bison, and Ramvac bulldog vacuum systems at prices you can afford.
We are not Dental Ez Ramvac, nor are we an affiliate of Dental ez, Ramvac or its affiliates. These filters are made to equal or exceed the quality of original manufacturer goods. Made with original featured 5 micron filters as opposed to many competitors 10 micron filters. Quality ramvac bison bulldog filters at affordable prices.
Click image below for the filter kit you are in need of and you will be directed to our secure online webstore you may place your order safely, and quickly. Call us directly with any questions you may have.